Tree Streets Neighborhood

Johnson City, Tennessee • Southside Neighborhood Organization

Does anyone know why they don't spray for mosquitos anymore? I'm getting eaten alive and there is no standing water on my property. While I'm at it, I haven't seen the street cleaner in years, the alleys are overgrown from lazy property owners who wont trim their vegetation and the streets are littered with huge potholes. I guess all my taxes are going for those pet projects downtown and to pay for a community center only the wealthy can afford to use.

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I was just talking to someone about this the other day and they said you have to call to report the mosquitos.  I do know the guy who used to spray retired.  I can't remember his name but he just sprayed when he felt it was necessary.   The same person said you can call the street dept and report the overgrown alley.

I see the street cleaner at least once a month.  You can tell he has come because the street cleaner leaves a white trail.

To get the street sweeper down your street they told me to call and request it and they will put it on their schedule.

Thanks for the replies! I was a little agitated yesterday. I went outside for 10 minutes and came back in with about ten huge welts. I'm highly allergic and was itchin like crazy. I don't even have gutters on my house. Ours were old and I made my husband take them down because I was afraid they would hold water. There are some though I have seen that do have vegetation growing in them around here. But there's nothing I can do about those. I always turn my trash cans upside down when they are empty. Believe me, when it rains I go around checkin to make sure there is no standing water on my property. I saw a city truck go through the alley yesterday, I'm crossing my fingers they will clear some of the growth back. I know the street sweeper hasn't been on Poplar because we have weeds growing in the curb gutter that is  a foot high and full of dirt and gravel..




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