Johnson City, Tennessee • Southside Neighborhood Organization
Time: November 13, 2010 from 10am to 5pm
Location: West Locust (3 homes) and Cedar Place (1 home)
City/Town: Johnson City
Phone: 423-833-8474
Event Type: arts, and, crafts, show., support, local, artists.
Organized By: Virginia Buda
Latest Activity: Nov 24, 2010
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Buy a unique Christmas gift this year and support local Artists on Sat, Nov 13 from 11 - 5 pm. Get a head start and stop by Don Davis' studio opening at 10 am. There are 4 venues that are being used with, as of today, 20 artists representing a variety of mediums at each home. You will find jewelry: stunning swarovski crystal, recycled copper, paper/tile, fiber and ceramic pieces to wood, basketry, fiber, textiles, calligraphy, violin music, mosaic, artisan chocolate and more. Please stop by, check out the work and consider buying local art. With a walkable option like this, why drive out to a super center for Christmas shopping. Affordable prices ranging from $10-$200. Because of the nature of using private residences for this show, the invitation is not extended to the general public, so please forward this double sided (2 page jpeg) to your friends, family and contacts. Thanks.
Tree Street homes participating:
Kathy Serago, 700 W. Locust St.
Louise Nuttle, 714 W. Locust St.
The Catholic Center, 734 W. Locust St.
Don Davis, 1117 Cedar Place (Studio Hours, 10-5 pm)
With questions, call Virginia Buda, 833-8474
Volunteers needed:
1) Pre and Post show event (ranging from shifting furniture from in the Catholic Center into Father Michael's study to interior table decorations).
2) Equipment needed (carafes that heat hot drinks. will be serving hot cider)
3) attactive table cloths
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RSVP for Arts and Crafts Show, Sat Nov 13. Give a unique Christmas Gift this year while supporting local artists to add comments!
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