Tree Streets Neighborhood

Johnson City, Tennessee • Southside Neighborhood Organization


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A Tribute To Our Fallen Troops and all the Troops that ever served, all the troops injured, all the troops families and spouses. To all The Troops Still serving for are freedom. God Bless You All

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This is really heart breaking and eye opening. I was shocked to see such young vets living out on the streets. Two of my brothers served during the Vietnam War. One joined the Army and went to Vietnam and the other joined the Navy and was sent to Spain and had the time of his life. Den, the Vietnam vet, became an alcoholic and often had flashbacks. I can't imagine the horror he saw when he was over there. Luckily he had the support of family and lived near a VA to get the help he needed.
I applaud the two men that started doing this in the 80's and are still doing it. It's a shame it isn't happening across the country.
I am truly sorry to hear about your brother! I have worked alongside many Vietnam Vets and heard many stories and seen the look in their eyes. Its little consolation, but what has been learned from that era and those veterans is playing a tremendous roll in today’s growing veterans needs. Veterans from that era are stepping up to be mentors for the young ones just returning. We (the American population) are getting hit hard with troops returning and are about to get hit hard as they pull back from combat/hostile areas. I retired with 24yrs 12 days of active duty…….I do have moments where I think “But for the grace of God, there go I”.
You can help locally if interested. I sit on the Board of Directors for a local Organization “CITIZENS SOLDIERS ®, INC.” We are always looking for and appreciate those willing to assist and support in any way possible. Our organization will start branching out nationally in 2011.


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