You're invited to raise your voice for our neighborhood on Thursday at 7pm.
Tired of seeing all the boarded up, and falling apart houses in the neighborhood?The City of Johnson City Board of Dwelling Standards and Review will hold public hearings on five dilapidated properties in the Tree Streets area on Thursday, March 28 at 7:00pm, in the City Commission Chambers at the Municipal Building, 601 E. Main St.
Together we can work with the City to encourage positive action to improve or replace these properties. If any of the properties below impact you (and they all do since you live in the neighborhood) I'm inviting you to attend this public hearing, be sworn in, and speak out if you want to. Even if you don't say anything, your presence will show we want improvements to be made.
The properties are: 311 Peach Blossom Ct 315 W. Maple St 416 W. Maple St 513 Franklin St. 1401 Virginia St
There are 10 other properties to be heard before these and there's no way to know how long each will take. By hearing the conversations on these properties you'll feel much better prepared to share your views when we get to the houses you care most about. You must be sworn in before speaking, so best to arrive at 7pm. But if you miss that time, you can be sworn in when you are recognized to speak.
I'm one of five citizens on the Board of Dwelling Standards and Review and can assure you, all five of us appreciate neighbors being involved. Hope to see you on Thursday. If you want more information, just email me.