Johnson City, Tennessee • Southside Neighborhood Organization
I am a member of Lambda Chi Alpha located on 519 W Pine street. We recently (early March) adopted a Golden Retriever who had spent the first 3 years of his life in a 10x10 fenced cage where he could not run or be near human interaction. When we brought him to the Tree Streets we immediately began receiving complaints over the dog, and even had animal control and the JCPD over for visits. Upon their arrival, we learned individuals in the neighborhood had falsified complaints to animal control just to get them out to the house. When animal control came out, they said he was one of the healthiest dogs they had seen and stated there was nothing at all they found that was close to the reports they got. ETSU has also had numerous threatening phone calls (close to crossing the line of harassment) regarding the dog and has suggested we get rid of "Bocephus".
I am VERY disappointed in how the community has handled the situation and targeted us as a source of trouble within the neighborhood, even after our continuous efforts to become good neighbors and an even better resource for the community. Our recent efforts, including handing out the tree street newsletters, helping clean yards after storms, raising thousands of pounds of food for the local food bank, and renovations to the house which raised property value has fallen on deaf eyes and ears. Due to the number of complaints, we have elected to give the dog back to the original owner who I assume will once again keep him in his 10x10 cage, away from contact. This is a very unfortunate series of events, especially since Bocephus had a wonderful home with over 30 individuals to take him out, care for him, and play with him. Even after strained relations with the Tree Streets, we recently agreed to partner with neighbors from the streets and raise money for the new animal shelter being built.
The reason I am writing this is to urge the neighborhood to make an effort to improve fraternity relations and use these great organizations as a source of strength for the neighborhood. We are more than willing to help with anything, good or bad, the tree streets needs from us. We will continue to provide good deeds for the tree streets and Johnson City community, even in the face of negativity we have received since moving in. We have great relationships with our direct neighbors, and that alone should attest to the character of the organization living beside you. Please, before you make assumptions on the character of your neighbors, stop by and meet us. We will be more than willing to give all the help, support, and generosity that we too hope to receive within the community. If you need anything, feel free to contact me and we will be happy to help!
Thanks and God Bless,
Alex Carver
Hi Alex - first I want to mention that I think there is a typo in your email address - an extra L in 'gmail' - just saying that for anybody that wants to write you privately, that the letter may not make it to you.
About your dog, I don't know why people are complaining or the details of the event, but I am asking you that if you have to get rid of the dog, please do not send him back to the 10x10 cage! That is no life for an animal, especially after he's discovered love from you and the fraternity. Please consider contacting a local rescue to help you list him on Petfinder, or even to find a foster home for him until he is placed with a family. Here is a list of local rescues and shelters (please do not take him to an animal shelter where he could be euthanized - use one of the rescues on the list). They can help.
Another option that may work for you - since you don't know who it is that is complaining, maybe list here what the complaints are and maybe somebody can offer suggestions. The only things I could think of would be - noise - if he's barking a lot, it can be very disturbing to the people near you that are trying to sleep, read, meditate, etc. If they are concerned about him being on a dog run, that could be because when nobody is at home, the dog is basically chained up and not able to defend himself against another dog that is loose. Loose dogs are rare in the neighborhood, but it does happen. Bocephus has nowhere to run if he needs it. And lastly, I'd say a good portion of the neighborhood dogs are kept inside of their homes at least part of the time, so the little dog house that you have for him is cute, but kinda lonely and sad on a cold or stormy night for those of us that share our couch with our pets. Those are just ideas of what people could be complaining about. I know nothing of the complaints - but if you could share them here, that could help with communication and maybe work it out so you can keep him.
Bocephus seems like a very sweet dog. He's always curious and wagging when we walk by with our dogs on a walk. I don't think you'll have a hard time finding a home for him, if that's necessary.
As for the complaints, we really are in the dark as to what the real problems are. Nobody has contacted us or even attempted to, and instead people are going to animal control or ETSU, both of which will not release any information as to the nature of the complaints or who. I know he doesn't bark, and the only thing I could see would be the "runner" we have set up for him. He is well fed and a generally happy, healthy dog! If anyone knows of any certain complaints or what we could change to better take care of him, feel free to post!
Something else I'd like to mention - there is a fraternity liason in the neighborhood - according to the website, it's Lisa Orr. Her email address isn't listed on the site but if anybody has a problem with the dog and doesn't want to come forward, I encourage them to talk to Lisa anonymously and see if she can pass on the info to you so everybody is happy. I'm sure one of the other officers can put you in touch with her, or you can message her on the forum. Here is a list of officers:
Hope this helps!
Thanks Jennifer, you rock!
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