Tree Streets Neighborhood

Johnson City, Tennessee • Southside Neighborhood Organization

Encourage property owners to show pride in their property

I am appalled at how some of the property is NOT taken care of.  I can drive down some of the tree street neighborhoods and find trash bags open with the contents spilled out and left on the ground.   There are many lawns that go unmowed for weeks or even months.  This is apalling.  I would like to know if there are any enforcements that require property owners to clean up their lawns and keep them cleaned up.   If not, can this be a project that "Tree Streets Community" could take on?





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Yes, there are enforcements put in place by the city. We constantly cover these at the monthly meeting of the SNO organization. We are the eyes of the City, and we need to report these infractions to the proper people. If grass measures more than 24 ", call the city offices, and ask to speak to the person in charge. They will come out and measure it, send the homeowner a letter giving them 8 days to take care of it. If not done, they will come and mow it , and charge the homeowner, around $150. or more. I know , because there is an empty house right next door to me, and I have had to do that, more than once. Just yesterday SNO members were out rounding up "old tires", and the County is picking them up in a few days, but in a central location. While doing that, SNO members observed several "piles of old furniture" on Lynn Street, and called the city for pick up. Most residents of the city received a calendar this year, with names and phone numbers of all of the City Services.For the past several years we have funded a program to encourage residents to pick up after their animals with Doggi Pot holders for plastic bags.If you would like to become involved in any of these projects, information is listed on this web site, and each resident receives a newsletter quarterly, with phone numbers, etc.You are right, it is appalling , but it is a constant and ongoing project Thanks for your interest in the community.




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