Have you ever wanted to learn more about another culture or provide that opportunity to your own family? Have an extra bedroom? If yes, read on!
Homestay/host families are needed for international students studying English at ELS Language Centers on the campus of ETSU. Our students are eager to be immersed in the language and culture of the United States. Living with a Host Family provides interaction and social activities not available through other housing options.
Host Families are required to provide breakfast and dinner to the students. In addition, each student must have his/her own bedroom however, it is not required that a student have a private bathroom. Internet access is desired. Host Families are also asked to provide transportation to ETSU or be close to a bus line. This is what makes Tree Streets families a great match... close walking distance!
Host Families receive a stipend of $650.00 per 4 week program session. Students may stay from 4 weeks to several months. If you are interested in hosting a student, please contact Ben Tanner at (865) 323-5776 orbenhtanner@yahoo.com for more info.
We are sure that hosting an ELS student is an experience you and your family will never forget! There have been many wonderful friendships forged through this program which have stood the test of time. We encourage you and anyone you may know through your circle of friends to become part of the ELS Homestay Program.