Tree Streets Neighborhood

Johnson City, Tennessee • Southside Neighborhood Organization

Using your extra food scraps for composting in your back yard in a proper composting container can be a very good idea; however, merely throwing your food scraps and spoiled potatoes, rancid steaks, and left over popcorn into the alley only encourages vermin in our neighborhood.  I have noticed raccoons and rats and squirrels coming out of trashcans in the alleyways.  This is not what we want.  We want to discourage their presence in the neighborhood!  Let's so this by composting in a proper container that does not allow vermin in, let's do this by using lids on your trash containers, if you have them, but certainly DO NOT just set the bag out!

Think about your waste containers and what we are attracting and feeding (encouraging to set up residence!) in our neighborhood.  Sometimes it's not cute to feed the animals!

-Christine Tober (423 W. Locust St.)

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