Tree Streets Neighborhood

Johnson City, Tennessee • Southside Neighborhood Organization

4th of July Parade

Event Details

4th of July Parade

Time: July 4, 2020 from 9:45am to 12pm
Location: Veterans Park
Street: Southwest Avenue
City/Town: Johnson City
Event Type: 4th, of, july, celebration
Organized By: SNO
Latest Activity: Jul 1, 2020

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Event Description

We have changed up our usual 4th of July plans to keep our community safe and have 2 fun ways for you to celebrate! 

We have expanded the parade route to cover a larger portion of the Tree Streets neighborhood.  You can watch from your front porch or walk a block or so to where it will pass OR you can be in it!  We would like everyone who wants be in it to join the parade.  This will be primarily a vehicle/bike parade due to the longer route.  Decorate yourselves, your bikes, and your cars!  We will also resurrect the Christmas Float and Mahto and the Crybabies will bravely play live music from it while on the parade route.

The second way to celebrate is an idea from the meeting Monday night that we love!  Christmas in July.... well the decorating with lights part of Christmas.  Get those lights down from the attic and let's decorate the neighborhood.  Who needs fireworks?

Prizes for best decorated (cars, bikes, houses) and best costumes/outfits will be given!

Line up at South Side Elementary at 9:40AM on July 4th. Those on bikes please practice social distancing (6 ft +) when lining up.  A map of the route will be sent out before the event.

You don't have to RSVP for the parade, but it would be good to have an idea how many vehicles/bikes will be in it. Email me at

Here is a map of the parade route:

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